Who Are Amber Smith and Riley Noble?

Riley Noble and Amber Smith escaped from their house and reached the top of their roof on the day of the flood. There were four children of them whom they were carrying along with them. The youngest was Chance who was 18 months old, Nevaeh, who was 4 years old, Riley Jr. who was 6 years old, and Maddison who was 8 years old. Parents along with their children climbed to the rooftop and the structure washed away due to the flood water. Although the parents managed to get on a tree when the flood washed them off, unfortunately, the water didn’t stop and washed their children off. As said by one of the cousins of the couple, Noble and Smith were holding on to their children strongly on the top of the tree for a few hours.

Four Siblings From Kentucky Washed Away From A Tide Found Dead

But a huge tide came, and then the children got washed away, and all of them got washed away all at the same time. As said by Trejo, cousins of Noble and Amber, the two of them were stranded on the tree for straight 8 hours until someone came and rescued them from that tree. Noble and Amber were among one the families struggling with the flood in Kentucky when it was hitting with floods. Riley Jr. and Nevaeh’s bodies were found on the same day but Maddison’s and Chance’s bodies were found in the early hours of Friday. A go-fund page was raised in name of the four children for the funeral expenses under 5000 dollars.

What Happened With Amber Smith and Riley Noble?

Gov. Andy Besher said that these floods were the worst in the history of Kentucky as they took many people’s lives and washed away many people’s lives as well. Four siblings and children of Nobel and Amber were among the 19 people who died during the floods. The death toll was unexpectedly and was rising at higher levels. A search team was searching for the siblings in the eaters and the floods which took them away. Initially, elder children were discovered but the search team searched the whole area for the whole Thursday and Friday nights. Rain levels are expected to rise until Saturday this week in the USA. Kentucky is expected to receive more rains in the coming week as well.


DETAILS  Who Are Amber Smith and Riley Noble  Four Siblings From Kentucky Washed Away From A Tide Found Dead  - 83DETAILS  Who Are Amber Smith and Riley Noble  Four Siblings From Kentucky Washed Away From A Tide Found Dead  - 10DETAILS  Who Are Amber Smith and Riley Noble  Four Siblings From Kentucky Washed Away From A Tide Found Dead  - 12