Oath Keepers List Leaked On Twitter, YouTube & Reddit

However, the information related to the membership has been compiled into the data which have been published with a secret and it was transparent for the collective distributed Daniel now the data has become playing a crucial part concern about the extremist for the agency of law of enforcement and the military who have been responsible for making the laws and now they should go to protect the United States. They have been linking the extremist as well as the official States from the elections of 2020 which is creating violence against the institution as well as the lawmakers.

Elected Officials, Police Chiefs In Oath Keepers List

Talking about the oath keepers they have and maintain a database but it is not true that there are any individuals who were not active members of that particular group there were a number of people who were listed in that and they have been contacting the associated press becoming the members of that particular grow a few years ago and now it is no longer affiliated with it they have been believing in the group birthday started their own tactics in the month and the year 2014 however the associated press also email that he is now going to distance himself from these types of pleasures for many years.

Oath Keepers List Leaks

Talking about the number of people would have linked to the othkeeper’s so there is more than to the son of people they have been charged in that particular collection on January 6 attack there were four others who were the members and they have been going for a trial for a month for the conspiracy charges it is said to be a conspiracy so that they can keep it with President Donald Trump in his power however the oath keepers also mention that anything and they were having no plans to attack the capitol. Talking about oath keepers they have been growing very fastly with the broader government movement and they have been spreading a lot of messages during the time of Barack Obama’s Residency.


Oath Keepers List Leaked On Twitter  YouTube   Reddit  Elected Officials  Police Chiefs On The List  - 79Oath Keepers List Leaked On Twitter  YouTube   Reddit  Elected Officials  Police Chiefs On The List  - 73Oath Keepers List Leaked On Twitter  YouTube   Reddit  Elected Officials  Police Chiefs On The List  - 11